Monday, November 06, 2006

We haven't had that spirit here since 1969...

Let's see what the song for this blog will be...ah, awesome, Minority by Green Day...kinda fitting, heh.

I hate starting blogs like this, because I seem to do it often, but damn it has been a while. I have been keeping fairly busy and whenever I think about posting, I am not at the computer...then when I get to the computer I always come up with other things to do and forget about this. Not a whole lot of interesting stuff has happened in the last month. The TV show is progressing nicely, we had a nice meeting about it a few weeks ago and got some stuff hashed out, we will most likely start shooting over winter break with a majority of the shooting taking place over second semester. I have been appointed with the title of head writer, along with Jason, mainly because we came up with a good amount of ideas before the meeting and I am one of the main guys that the scripts have to go through, which is great :) I still haven't fully decided as to what other capacity I will be partaking, whether I want to audition for a role or just do crew (I know a lot of the guys want me to audition, but I wouldn't mind just be an extra/guest-star, heh)

Married life is treating me very well...since most of you seem to ask me that a lot, hehe. I really couldn't ask for a better wife or person to spend my life with. She gets me (most of the time, hehe) and I get her...and it's just great. Times can get rough, especially when it comes to money woes and such, but we are able to support each other and we know it will all work out for the best just takes time. We went and looked at a house in Black Creek a couple weeks ago...and it made me realize that wow, I am growing up. Yikes! Heh...yeah, I know, I probably starting feeling that way when I got MARRIED this summer, lol...but it just makes me realize more and more that as every day passes, I am one day closer to being completely done. Being at a point where I never thought I would get to: a college graduate. It honestly feels like just yesterday I was sitting in high school, wondering who this Dan Podell kid was that I was going to be rooming with...and now he is probably one of my best friends. I honestly can say I don't know where I would be right now had I not come here. I know I would be a much different person, probably wouldn't be married, wouldn't have met some of the most amazing people ever...I will be sad to leave in May, but man I cannot wait. I am ready for another new chapter. I am ready to be a grown-up...I guess, hehe. But really...I wouldn't trade these last four years for ANYTHING. I feel I have grown so much as a person, as a friend, as a husband, heh. No regrets, that is what I always say.

Mmmm, now Hotel California is on...gotta love the Eagles. Only six weeks left of this semester, I feel pretty good about where things are. I should do...decent in most of my classes. My philosophy class is pretty awesome, prof is great and the class is pretty much a breeze. I just gotta buckle down and do decent work in my others...then its on to my final semester and only 8 credits :) I might, if need be, pick up a couple BS classes to get to 12 credits, if my financial aid forces me to be a full-time student, but I would rather take a little cut in the aid then take classes that will just take away from my CIS 480 class, which I really want to just kick ass in. The other two classes I will be taking, one is just once a week on Thursday afternoons...and the other is an archery class that is only one weekend in like..March I think. So the other times I will be working and that's it. Man, next semester is going to rock...just can't get behind in 480, heh.

I am very much looking forward to finishing this semester and spending some time at home...Kirsten and I are going to take some time off of work and head to Appleton for probably around a week, just spend some good quality time with the family and not worry about anything. Led Zepplin is on with some Kashmir! iTunes seems to like me tonight, heh.

Overall, I really can't complain. I am anxious...and ready...and antsy...and excited...and scared shitless at times, heh. But I got my baby, and shes got me, and nothing can go wrong when I am in her arms :)

Rock on, kids.


At Thursday, November 09, 2006 5:54:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Time flies by too fast. I feel like an old person saying that, but it really feels that way.

As you might know, my social life in college left something to be desired for me, you were one of the 'great' people I met in college, and it bums me out to think I might not get to enjoy your company like I used to.

I guess that's the risk of making the majority of your friends at work. When the job goes away, so do those connections. I guess I should feel fortunate we get to hang out as much as we do, but when you move to Black Creek, you'll no longer be a 15 minute drive away, heh.

Are you sure you wouldn't want to stick around Point and go for your Masters or something :-p

At Tuesday, November 14, 2006 10:59:00 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

The boards are always there for ya, man! That's how us crazy Nuns stay in touch despite the physical distance. Virtually I'm practically sleeping you with.


I'm glad you're pumping about growing up. It still kinda freaks me out when I go to weddings for my friends (like yours!) and realize that everyone around me is settling into the "real world!"

And totally slack off for your last semester, it was one of the better choices I made in college!


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