Tuesday, October 02, 2007

I'm not dead...really, I'm not

As much as I pretend to be a blogger, who the hell am I kidding?  Haha - I am lucky if I write in here once a month, yet I wish I did it at least one a week.  Oh well...a lot has happened over the summer and it has been a fun one.

- My job is going very well.  I have been there 4 months now and I know I have learned a helluva lot, as well as grown professionally as an IT person.  The people I work with are really awesome and really understanding in helping me as I start out and such, and I feel as though I am actually a helpful member of the team there.  Plus the people that I do projects for and such are really nice and the whole environment is just awesome.  Who knows where the job will take me, or where my life will take my career, but I do know that however long I end up at Alliance, it will have been invaluable experience and I won't forget it.

***So I started writing this blog about a week ago, and stopped here, haha.  Geez - can't even finish my thoughts!  I will try and finish now, before I head to bed...

-It has been fun being in the real world, although things are going to take a drastic turn once the baby gets here - and I honestly can't wait.  I very much enjoy where my life is at right now and I am more than ready to be a dad.  Kirsten is definitely more than ready to have this baby too, haha.  She has about 5 weeks until her due date (PS - Happy birthday to her tomorrow!) and she is hoping that she will have it earlier than that.  Everything has gone as perfect as you can hope for, no complications up to this point and I hope it stays that way.  Just the normal aches and pains.  After a few weekends of work, we finished up redoing the baby's room and it looks really awesome.  Her baby shower is on Sunday, so it will be filled with lots of goodies then.  There is some stuff in there already, like a really nice dresser and a kick-ass crib (that was actually quite fun to put together, heh), but there are a few odds and ends that we need yet (obviously)  I am getting very anxious and excited for what is about to happen.  I really have no idea what to expect with the whole birthing experience, but I know that it is going to be amazing.  And because the people I work with are so awesome, I get to take a week off (granted it's upaid, but I could careless) after the baby is born to spend with Kirsten.  Plus I have a few extra vacation days that I might use, so that is nice.

That was really the majority of my summer: work and preparing for the baby.  Had my graduation party in there (which was a lot of fun), started a bowling team (we bowl Friday nights and I fuckin' LOVE it, it is such a blast), Packers are kicking some ass lately (I am thinking about doing a weekly Packer blog - we will see how long that lasts) - overall, life has been good to Kirsten and I lately and we cannot wait to welcome a new addition into this wonderful life of ours :)

My ear is killing me right now - still trying to get over a stupid cold - so I am off for now.  I will try my best to keep this updated a little more...try being the operative word of course.  Who knows...you all know how to get a hold of me if you need to :)  Ciao.


At Monday, October 08, 2007 7:07:00 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Aw brother you are so cute.

You are going to be such an amazing Dad. That baby is going to be so blessed to have both of you as parents!! Just remember, when your railing starts to come out of the wall, we will all know how that happened!! ;)


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