Sunday, March 11, 2007

My life should be a movie...

You've all seen this before, I am's 1:30 in the morning (well, I suppose more like 2:30 with daylight savings and all, thanks G.W.!) and I am bored and not tired...and in the mood for some good music. I am using only my personal playlist, so I have a feeling we will see a trend. Either way, should be fun...onward!

1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc).
2. Put it on shuffle.
3. Press play.
4. For every section of the movie, type the song that's playing.
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button.
6. Don't lie and try to pretend you're cool...

Opening Credits: "Forgotten" Linkin Park

Waking Up: "Far Away Boys" Flogging Molly

First Day At School: "Peace of Mind" Boston (PS - As a side note, such sad fuckin' news about Brad Delp, lead singer of Boston, dying :( R.I.P.)

Falling In Love: "Do I Creep You Out" Weird Al Yankovic

Fight Song: "Espionage" Green Day

Breaking Up: "Hello Again" Hoobastank

Prom: "Brown Eyed Girl" Reel Big Fish

First Time Getting Laid: "Same Direction" Hoobastank

Graduation: "Drinkin'" Reel Big Fish

Life's OK: "Ha ha You're Dead" Green Day

Mental Breakdown: "All Downhill From Here" New Found Glory

Driving: "Pain" Jimmy Eat World

Flashback: "Hum Hallelujah" Fall Out Boy

Getting Back Together: "Don't Stop Believin'" Journey

Wedding: "Skatanic" Reel Big Fish (kind of a creepy song for this occasion, actually, lol)

Birth of Child: "Same Old Song and Dance" Aerosmith

Final Battle: "Hit The Floor" Linkin Park (one of my favorite songs by them, perfect for this)

Death Scene: "Down In Flames" Reel Big Fish

Funeral Song: "Sophomore Slump or Comeback of the Year" Fall Out Boy

End Credits: "Everything Is Cool" Reel Big Fish

As I said, maybe a little skewed due to the playlist, but not bad knowing the songs :)

Life is busy, and Kirsten and I are so damn antsy, ready to get out of here.

Then again, the more I think about moving back and being done with college, I realize I will miss a whole lot of people. It won't be easy to move and finish a pretty huge chapter in my life...


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