Tuesday, March 06, 2007

I will have a new address in a little over a month...


Yeah, so it's been over a month since I updated, but man - this news HAD to go in here! So you all know Kirsten and I have been doing some house-hunting as of late. A few of the houses we looked at were real dumps, like places I am not sure ANYONE would buy. But this one - this one we knew IMMEDIATELY was us. It is an older house, but we both like the older look, gives it character. It has updated everything (electric, furnace, good plumbing, etc...) so it wouldn't cost us an arm and a leg when we first moved in - just cosmetic things that we can do with time. So we took the plunge and after debating for a bit, decided to put in an offer. Our realtor (who by the way, is a super nice guy and is really helpful) put a 24-hour deadline on the offer (it was more like 28 hours, but who's counting?) so we would know very soon (this was Saturday night, we would know by Sunday) So of course, we sat very patiently by the phone all day Sunday...waiting...and waiting...and waiting. Finally, at 10pm, he called - with no news, really. The people selling the house (it's two trustees selling it for an older lady) were in two different locations and only one of them had gotten it, blah blah...in lesser words, they needed a little more time. He said we would know by Monday morning, but he sounded hopeful that they would at the very least counter the offer - which is exactly what they did. I got a call around 3pm today telling me they had countered. I called Kirsten right away (she had gotten the e-mail with the counter, so she already knew) and right away, she said, "I want it". So that was that - I got home, we signed the counter, and sent it back - and with that, we have our first accepted offer on a house :-D

We are both incredibly excited for all of this. Everyone that we have been working with up to this point has been so awesome, helping the both of us in this very new process to us. The house is so cute and we cannot wait to move in. As of right now, the closing date is set for April 19th, so baring anything huge, that should be the date we get the keys. The plan right now is that Kirsten will move back there (she is already looking for a job so she can start right away when she gets back) and get everything settled there while I finish up school here. We are probably going to break out of our lease a month early (so move out May 1st instead of June 1st) so we can save a little cash. We will have the house for a couple weeks, so we should have plenty of time to move all of our shit out of here into the new place. Mike and Sarah are going to be super awesome and let me crash at their place for three weeks so I don't have to worry about commuting from Appleton, so that is pretty rockin. That is the plan for now, as long as things don't change drastically.

I feel like I have done a lot of growing up in the last weekend...it's pretty crazy. Things are going to get pretty hectic in the coming months, but I tell you what - if you told me 5 years ago that I would be getting married, buying a house, graduating college, and getting a good solid job (hopefully, hehe) all in the course of one year, I would have laughed in your face. It is about time we get some good fortune our way, we so totally deserve it.

So be sure to remember 408 E. Summer St, Appleton, WI 54911...that will be our new address in a little over a month :-D


At Tuesday, November 11, 2008 2:34:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.


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