Monday, April 30, 2007

What I've done...

So wow, the last time I updated was March 30th?! There have been at LEAST a dozen times since then that I have thought "Hm, I should blog tonight..." and then just never did. I will try and cover as much as I can about the happenings in my world over the last month.

As far as pretty much the most important thing to me right now, the mom-to-be is doing very well :) We had our first doctors appt. a few weeks back and her doctor is really nice. He said she is doing very well and she is 10 weeks along (that was about a week and a half ago, so she is around 12 weeks now) We even got to see our first ultrasound (for those of you reading this on Facebook, you probably have seen that already, hehe) I think the ultrasound certainly made it very VERY real for both of us. We knew she was, but there was always that little bit of doubt. Seeing that, for the both of us, was Just incredible. There really IS a little person in there. Makes me that much more excited :) She is due November 11th, but just knowing Kirsten, I have a feeling it will be at least a week late. Either way, we are getting so excited and really cannot wait.

The move went pretty well last weekend. Other than being a stressful week of finishing packing and all that jazz, it went good. We had our closing on the 21st (same day as the doctors appt.) and that really made me feel grown up, heh. We signed papers and such for about 20 minutes and then bam - welcome to the world of being a homeowner! Just like that! We also got a car that week (actually a pretty kick ass mini-van!) Got a great deal on it and its in pretty awesome condition, I could honestly see it lasting us quite a few years.

As for the actual move, the folks got to Point around quarter to 9 in the a.m. and we started loading stuff up. As soon as we got the first few boxes into my parents van, I had the sudden realization that we were not going to fit everything in one trip. We had one really long trailer (with a jeep pulling it), one smaller trailer (with a stationwagon pulling it), my parents van and our van full of shit and we STILL had another van and a half full of stuff that we had to get on Sunday. Yeah, lot of shit, but we made it all! Then there was the fun adventure of the drive back to Appleton...we loaded up the trailers really good and tied everything down nicely. Let me set the dad was driving the stationwagon in the front of the line with the small trailer (which had 3 matresses, a box spring, a dresser, and a couple other random pieces of furniture), I was next in our van, Kirsten's mom was third with the long trailer, and my brother was the caboose in my parent's van. So we got this caravan going down the highway, cruising nicely. We were just past Weyaweuga, which is about 2/3rds of the way home, when I glance at the trailer in front of me and notice that one of the mattresses (our nice queen size one, the one we actually sleep on) looks to be getting a little loose. They were PACKED in tightly, shouldn't have been moving at all. So I go to grab my phone to call my mom quick so we can strap it down better when suddenly, the mattress flies OUT of the trailer and into the road! Being right behind the trailer, we have the perfect vantage point for this whole surreal scene as it unfolds. The mattress lands flat in the lane next to us. Mine and Kirsten's first thought: not a big deal, stop the cars, go get the mattress, be on our merry way. Before either of us could utter another word...a red sportscar comes speeding up in the other lane with no possibility of stopping or even avoiding the mattress. They slowed down as much as they could (to probably about 30) but hit the damn thing HEAD ON! The mattress pretty much literally EXPLODES, cotton flying everywhere, and the first thing Kirsten says: "Oh my god, we have to buy a new mattress!" It honestly felt like it was slow motion or something, but we all pulled over (as did the guy that nailed our mattress, heh) My dad and I got out of our vehicles and went over to check on the guy and his car...luckily no one was hurt and nothing got damaged, but it was kind of funny seeing him pull pieces of mattress out from under his hood. They drive off and we go back to check on the trailer, see why the hell the mattress flew out (we had been driving like...40 minutes at this point, no reason this should have happened, heh) In the meantime, my brother had stopped back where the mattress was and tossed it into the ditch, haha...he said there was a pretty large hole right in the middle of it. Come to find out that one of the hinges on the trailer came loose, loosening the tightness between all the mattresses. Over time, it just got more loose and eventually came out. So yeah, needless to say, we took it VERY easy the rest of the way. It was a great story to tell everyone though and now we can look back and laugh, heh (and my parents were awesome and bought us a new mattress that day too, so much better than the old one, hehe)

Anyways...thanks for reading that novel, hehe. We stayed in the house Saturday night and then drove back here Sunday to pick up the rest of our shit and drop me off at Portage, where I have been staying since then. I miss Kirsten like crazy and I really just want to be done, but I know I just have to be patient. It doesn't help that I have absolutely no motivation to do ANYTHING...yet I have a SHIT ton of stuff to do yet. It is really nice to be here with everyone though, I am finally living with some of my best friends that I have met over these 4 years and around them all the time, I couldn't have dreamed of a better way to spend my final month here...granted I would much rather have Kirsten here...but gotta take what you get...and I know Kirsten will be with me forever :)

Anyways, yeah...20 days until graduation and they better fly by. No news on the job front yet, although I did apply for a job I am incredibly over-qualified for and will hopefully be offered it. I guess its better than nothing, and who knows what might happen if I get that and have the chance to move up or at least have something while looking for something else. Just sucks when I sit here and listen to others in my 480 class about all these job offers and shit and making $50-$60K starting and I am just they are applying for places around here in Point and Wausau and such, which specifically look for entry-level people coming out of college...but still. Blows. I am still holding out hope for something amazing, because I know I am good enough for something amazing, but I will take anything at this point.

*sigh* Felt good to finally write again. I will have to try and do this more often, because well, what other reason to I have this damn blog? 20 days...20 days...can I stay sane enough to survive?


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