Stop That Nun...TV?!
Yes, you read that correctly. Stop That Nun is hitting the boob-tube. And I have to say I am pretty freakin' pumped about it. We have done two movies, the latest of which is going to be on display at the Central Wisconsin Film Festival in early November, and I think we all have a feel for what goes into this process. While TV is quite a different monster to tackle, we are all excited and all ready for the challenge...and the rewards it could entail. As of now, we will be aired on STV (which is the UWSP TV Station) started next semester, from what I hear. I assume we will probably put most of our shows online as well, probably some kind of setup on our website...which is going to be new soon! Our old site is currently down due to bandwidth overages, but we are in the process of transferring the entire domain to GoDaddy, which is giving up a whole ton more bandwidth and just a better overall server for everything. As much as I helped out with the first two movies, I feel that I will be putting the most effort into this TV thing and the future of STN. I really wasn't sure what to think of any of this when I first got involved, I really was very hesitant when James first mentioned it way back when. I really even didn't believe it when we had our first shoot...I really didn't know the Nuns that well and wasn't sure where any of this was going. The first shoot really helped open my eyes that, "Hey, these guys are fuckin' good and serious about it all..." As much fun as we have writing and shooting and fucking around, everything we do has some serious potential to actually take us somewhere. Maybe this whole thing is a stepping stone for the actually movie people (like Erik and Seth and Luke and so forth) or maybe it is something that will actually last when we are all out of college...who knows, right? All I can say is that the future is looking very bright, we are growing and I am very happy to be a part of the experience. The next few months are going to be very fun and I hope to add my little part to that :)