Ultimate - Block 3
I start this blog with talkin' a little about the current block of Ultimate Frisbee, my second to last block ever (at least at the collegiate level). I have been playing Ultimate every year since I got here (I have missed only one block due to scheduling conflicts, otherwise I have played in every other block) I have been captain of just about every team I have played on and man, I tell ya, it is EASILY the one thing I am happiest I got into in college. I love playing the game, I love the competition, and I love the comradery that I have gained with my team (I have had many teams over the years, but the current team has for the most part been together for the better part of a year and a half). Anyways...our block started last week and due to spraining my ankle (explained in my previous blog), I didn't play. It was hard to just watch from the sideline, but with a couple new additions this block, our team looked awesome. Either way, I was still super stoked to get back out there and play tonight - especially since we were playing Joe's team. Things started off well when Pete threw me a nice hook in the corner of the endzone - I had to dive and roll a little to get it, and that MAC-burn (heh) on my knee and elbow will hurt tomorrow - but holy wow, I had SUCH an adrenaline rush after that. I never realized until tonight how PUMPED this shit gets me. We ended up winning the game pretty handily and even though I was only at about 85% tonight, I feel very good about this team. We have never run the table in DII (came one game short twice - last year against Fabian's team) and this year we hope to do it.
As for everything else, life is looking decent. Finally had my first meeting with Marshfield Clinic today for our project and although it looks like it is going to be quite an involved project (in a nutshell - they want a website that explains and "sells" their IT Department to prospective employees and purchasers of their software), it is going to be fun and I look forward to working with Nomin and Maureen.
Got information back regarding that loan application I filled out last week. At first, the guy told me that he probably couldn't give me any loan based on the low income and such (which I figured), but then he called back later saying they COULD pre-approve us for an $80K loan. Our original price range was $100K - $125K, but if we can find a nice house for $80K, I think we are totally going to take it. So we have switched our looking a little and heres hoping :)
Got my first "thanks, but no thanks" letter from Skyline last week. Kinda depressing, since I was REALLY hoping I would get this job, but I gotta realize that it is going to happen. It was only my first application and interview and I would be RIDICULOUSLY lucky to get it on the first one. I was a little sad, but I have shaken it off and applied at a couple new places since then, so here's hoping on that too!
Mom/Aunt Weekend inches closer and I cannot wait to kick back and party (and see them for a change!) with the family again. It is always fun and it will probably be a very good time to take a little break, heh.
Kind of a random night, I suppose, heh...just didn't realize I had that much to say!
PS - The new Fall Out Boy album is pretty good...I like it. Fuck you haters :-P