Friday, March 30, 2007

The Real Me

Saw it on Joe's blog, and I am bored, so I figured what the hell :)

Your real name: Andrew Thomas Belonger
Age: 21
Height: 5' 10''
Natural hair color: Brown

Eye color: Hazel
Skin color: Caucasian
Glasses/contacts?: I would be blind without them
Piercings: No
Tattoos: 2, one on each shoulder
Braces: I used to, and I will have them again (stupid shitty ortho's :( )
Mannerisms: Eccentric, outgoing, very friendly (a flirty friendly some might say, hehe), loving, patient, motivated (most of the time), caring, forgiving, trustworthy


Color: Red
Band: Quite a few that I really, really like...probably all-time favorite would be Green Day
Movie: A lot of these as well - all-time favorite would have to be Toy Story, although I enjoy just about any genre
Book: Again, way too many to name...I love the Harry Potter series and I love anything by James Patterson
Food: PIZZA! Well, I like a lot of foods...mostly Italian.

Flower: Not a huge fan of flowers, at least not enough so to have a favorite...probably a rose if I HAD to pick
Scent: My wife's perfume
Animal: Cat
Comic book: Haven't read too many comic books, but I love webcomics
Cereal: Fruity Pebbles
Website: I, too, am addicted to Facebook, but I have quite a few that I frequent
Cartoon: The Simpsons


Play an instrument?: Played the violin at one point, I would love to pick it up again, and I would LOVE to learn to play the piano
Like to sing?: Very, very much so
Have a job: Yup, Computer dude at the University Store with a real career coming soon hopefully :)

Like to play sports?: Love to
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: I am married :)
Have a crush on someone?: Mini-crushes, even married people have em, heh
Have any special talents/skills?: I like to think I am just plain special ;)
Exercise daily?: Yeah right
Like school?: At times, I am certainly ready to be done...


Sing the alphabet backwards?: Not really
Stand on your tip toes without wearing shoes?: ...yes? Very odd question, but I know I can do it (I have freakin' monkey feet)
Speak any other languages?: Took French for a couple years, only remember a little bit of it
Remember your dreams?: Sometimes...


Won something in the lottery?: Probably like $20 at the most
Snuck out of the house?: Nope
Been to any other countries?: I wish
Had a serious surgery?: Other than wisdom teeth, nope
Cried over a girl?: Of course
Cried over a boy?: Don't think, other than a family member dying
Kissed a random stranger?: After I knew them for a few hours, yes ;)
Hugged a random stranger?: Of course
Been in a fist fight?: I didn't throw any punches back, but I did get punched a few times!
Been arrested?: Nope

Pushed all the buttons on an elevator?: Haha, yes
Kicked a guy where it hurts?: Good lord no
Ran over an animal and killed it?: I ran over an already dead skunk once...that made the car smell REALLY REALLY bad for like three weeks.
Broken a bone?: Nope
Gotten stitches?: Only for wisdom teeth
Bitten someone?: Haha, yes
Been to disneyland/disneyworld?: Disneyworld, it was great
If you are single, have you had any boyfriends/girlfriends before?: I am not single, but I have had PLENTY of girlfriends, heh.
Have you ever been dumped?: Of course
Have you ever dumped someone?: Yup


Am: Me, plain and simple and to the point
Want: to graduate college
Need: nothing
Love: my family, my loving wife, my awesome friends, my amazing life...
Hate: liars, cheaters, people who are fake
Annoyed by: stupid bickering, overly opinionated people
Feel: stressed
Did: just buy a house!
Miss: my Grandma
Would rather: quit school and just live life without worry
Am tired of: school
Will always: love Kirsten Ann


What is your favourite genre of music?: Punk and Ska
What time is it now?: 10.31pm
How much money do you have right now?: Not a whole lot...hopefully that changes soon but I don't forsee that happening ;)
Are you hungry right now?: A little
What are you doing right now?: Listening to Chicago, filling out this killer survey
Do you like parades?: Depends...
Do you like the moon?: Yeah
What are you going to do when you're done with this?: Probably check out Facebook or mess around with my iTunes library
If you could have any magical power what would it be?: The ability to change time


Funny?: In my own, quirky way
Cool?: Yeah :)
Pretty?: At times
Sarcastic?: Not really...
Lazy?: Too much sometimes
Hyper?: Yeah, heh
Friendly?: Very much so
Evil?: Couldn't do it
Smart?: In my own, special way ;)
Strong?: Depends how you measure strength
Talented?: In certain areas
Dorky?: Very much so :)


High: Fro
Lonely: A sad puppy
Pen: Pencil
Flower: Spring
Window: My kitties
Psycho: Cocaine
Brain freeze: Ice cream!
Strange: My life
Sassy: Kirsten
Suffering: War
Art: Svet


Sky dive?: Probably, I've thought about it
Run away?: I have all I ever need or want here
Curse at a teacher?: If they really pissed me off, maybe, heh...
Ask someone out?: I have done it plenty of times, but no need to anymore :)
Unscrew your cellphone too see what's inside?: Heck yeah, I am a nerd like that
Lie to someone to make them think better of you?: Nope, if they don't like me for who I am, fuck em
Visit a foreign country for more than a month?: That would be awesome
Go scuba diving?: Maybe
Write a book?: I have tried on occasion to write, I don't think I would put in the time, heh
Assemble a computer?: Um, YES! Computers are my life :)
Become a rock star?: That would be super fun
Have a long-distance relationship?: I have done it and it isn't fun...I got the relationship I need now :)
Marry someone you don't know?: Uh, no?

Friday, March 23, 2007

A change would do you good....

Ah Sheryl Crow, you speak to the core of me with that song, lol. Change is all around me these days, some major HUGE changes in fact. Firstly, some bad news: our lovely car, the precious 1988 Chevy Corsica that we have been driving for the last year and a half has finally perished. Well, I shouldn't say finally - the thing ran like a charm the entire time we had it, no problems whatsoever. It was a beauty. Then, randomly, the engine decided it wanted to start sucking up oil like it was going out of style. We went in to get it looked at and as we got into the parking lot of the auto place, the engine stalled. The auto guys told us that it seized up and would need to be replaced, a replacement that doesn't come cheap and wouldn't be worth it on a car of that age. So needless to say, Kirsten's dad has upped the car search for us ten fold (he had been looking for a second car for when we moved back) Because Chad is a kick ass dude, he is letting us use his car for the time being (mainly so Kirsten has a way to work) and hopefully Rick will find us something within the next couple of weeks.

Then comes the crazy awesome good news which totally put this whole car thing out of my mind. I am going to be a father. Yup, you read correctly, do not adjust your monitor: Kirsten is pregnant. We found out the same night as the whole car fiasco. It was the second test she had taken in a couple of days (we weren't sure the first one was right, although how do you mess up peeing on a stick? lol) We had been trying for a baby for a few months, with no luck. Yeah, obviously it takes some time, we just figured that it would take a little longer. Well, Kirsten's emotions have been up and down like mad lately (even more than usual, hehe) and things just seemed a little different (plus she was late, heh) So we went for a test and sure as shit - we are going to have a baby. I don't think it has truly sunk in parents and her parents are freakin' ecstatic, which makes us really happy, and everyone I have told so far is so happy for us. I really appreciate all the support from just really hard to believe that I am going to be a dad. I have always loved little kids, I am the oldest of all my cousins (and siblings, obviously) and have always felt like more of an uncle type figure than a cousin, I've pretty much babysat for most of them and always have wanted kids...but now that its reality, its like...woah, this is for real now! I know that Kirsten and I are going to make kick ass parents because we both had kick ass parents who raised us to be awesome people. We are just so very much excited...

What a crazy year (hell, even MONTH!) this has turned out to be already...graduating college in two months, getting a new job (hopefully a career), buying a HOUSE (which I cannot WAIT to move into), getting a new car, and now - a baby. Hello, real life - my name is Andrew, be nice to me :)

PS - Kirsten figures she will be due around mid-November-ish (she is going to see a doctor soon to figure that all out I am sure) so be sure to keep us in your prayers and pray for a healthy (and cute!) baby :)

Sunday, March 11, 2007

My life should be a movie...

You've all seen this before, I am's 1:30 in the morning (well, I suppose more like 2:30 with daylight savings and all, thanks G.W.!) and I am bored and not tired...and in the mood for some good music. I am using only my personal playlist, so I have a feeling we will see a trend. Either way, should be fun...onward!

1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc).
2. Put it on shuffle.
3. Press play.
4. For every section of the movie, type the song that's playing.
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button.
6. Don't lie and try to pretend you're cool...

Opening Credits: "Forgotten" Linkin Park

Waking Up: "Far Away Boys" Flogging Molly

First Day At School: "Peace of Mind" Boston (PS - As a side note, such sad fuckin' news about Brad Delp, lead singer of Boston, dying :( R.I.P.)

Falling In Love: "Do I Creep You Out" Weird Al Yankovic

Fight Song: "Espionage" Green Day

Breaking Up: "Hello Again" Hoobastank

Prom: "Brown Eyed Girl" Reel Big Fish

First Time Getting Laid: "Same Direction" Hoobastank

Graduation: "Drinkin'" Reel Big Fish

Life's OK: "Ha ha You're Dead" Green Day

Mental Breakdown: "All Downhill From Here" New Found Glory

Driving: "Pain" Jimmy Eat World

Flashback: "Hum Hallelujah" Fall Out Boy

Getting Back Together: "Don't Stop Believin'" Journey

Wedding: "Skatanic" Reel Big Fish (kind of a creepy song for this occasion, actually, lol)

Birth of Child: "Same Old Song and Dance" Aerosmith

Final Battle: "Hit The Floor" Linkin Park (one of my favorite songs by them, perfect for this)

Death Scene: "Down In Flames" Reel Big Fish

Funeral Song: "Sophomore Slump or Comeback of the Year" Fall Out Boy

End Credits: "Everything Is Cool" Reel Big Fish

As I said, maybe a little skewed due to the playlist, but not bad knowing the songs :)

Life is busy, and Kirsten and I are so damn antsy, ready to get out of here.

Then again, the more I think about moving back and being done with college, I realize I will miss a whole lot of people. It won't be easy to move and finish a pretty huge chapter in my life...

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

I will have a new address in a little over a month...


Yeah, so it's been over a month since I updated, but man - this news HAD to go in here! So you all know Kirsten and I have been doing some house-hunting as of late. A few of the houses we looked at were real dumps, like places I am not sure ANYONE would buy. But this one - this one we knew IMMEDIATELY was us. It is an older house, but we both like the older look, gives it character. It has updated everything (electric, furnace, good plumbing, etc...) so it wouldn't cost us an arm and a leg when we first moved in - just cosmetic things that we can do with time. So we took the plunge and after debating for a bit, decided to put in an offer. Our realtor (who by the way, is a super nice guy and is really helpful) put a 24-hour deadline on the offer (it was more like 28 hours, but who's counting?) so we would know very soon (this was Saturday night, we would know by Sunday) So of course, we sat very patiently by the phone all day Sunday...waiting...and waiting...and waiting. Finally, at 10pm, he called - with no news, really. The people selling the house (it's two trustees selling it for an older lady) were in two different locations and only one of them had gotten it, blah lesser words, they needed a little more time. He said we would know by Monday morning, but he sounded hopeful that they would at the very least counter the offer - which is exactly what they did. I got a call around 3pm today telling me they had countered. I called Kirsten right away (she had gotten the e-mail with the counter, so she already knew) and right away, she said, "I want it". So that was that - I got home, we signed the counter, and sent it back - and with that, we have our first accepted offer on a house :-D

We are both incredibly excited for all of this. Everyone that we have been working with up to this point has been so awesome, helping the both of us in this very new process to us. The house is so cute and we cannot wait to move in. As of right now, the closing date is set for April 19th, so baring anything huge, that should be the date we get the keys. The plan right now is that Kirsten will move back there (she is already looking for a job so she can start right away when she gets back) and get everything settled there while I finish up school here. We are probably going to break out of our lease a month early (so move out May 1st instead of June 1st) so we can save a little cash. We will have the house for a couple weeks, so we should have plenty of time to move all of our shit out of here into the new place. Mike and Sarah are going to be super awesome and let me crash at their place for three weeks so I don't have to worry about commuting from Appleton, so that is pretty rockin. That is the plan for now, as long as things don't change drastically.

I feel like I have done a lot of growing up in the last's pretty crazy. Things are going to get pretty hectic in the coming months, but I tell you what - if you told me 5 years ago that I would be getting married, buying a house, graduating college, and getting a good solid job (hopefully, hehe) all in the course of one year, I would have laughed in your face. It is about time we get some good fortune our way, we so totally deserve it.

So be sure to remember 408 E. Summer St, Appleton, WI 54911...that will be our new address in a little over a month :-D